This exam will be available online from Wednesday December 18, 2024, at noon to Wednesday January 31, 2025 at noon EST.  

The exam may be taken any time during the six weeks that it is available.  You can take a break between sessions, but once you start a session, the clock is running, and you need to finish it. Make sure that you complete your session before the time runs out, or you will not get any credit for any of the answers in that session. The exam can only be taken once by each person.   

 The exam will be open book and tests your knowledge on the application and use of NFPA 13, NFPA 13R, NFPA 13D, NFPA 14, NFPA 22, and NFPA 20.  The concepts for the online exam are multiple choice questions on the layout, detail, and calculation of sprinkler systems, standpipes, fire pumps, and storage tanks.  The layout portion of the exam will need to be downloaded, completed and returned within a specified period of time in order to get credit.  The exam will intentionally be challenging to identify the best technicians.