Authorities having jurisdiction (AHJs), code officials, inspectors, and plan reviewers had a challenging year in 2020. Furloughs, field inspection health concerns, back log of plan reviews were just a few hurdles to keeping construction moving during COVID. This presentation by three expert code officials from the east coast to the west coast detail their experience and advice to improved plan review and inspection techniques using electronic software, remote video inspections, and more.
Learning objectives:
- Discuss new methods for AHJs and fire sprinkler contractors to use for improving plan review and permit turn-around times.
- Understand the requirements in the codes and standards that allow remote inspection.
- Apply new techniques and processes to adapt to changing rules and regulations.
Brad Cronin- (Vice President Fire Protection, Strategic
Code Solutions)
Chase Browning-
( Fire Marshal, Medford, Oregon)
Gary Lewis- (Construction
Official, Summit, New Jersey)